Common Unix/Linux directories

Common Unix/Linux directories and their contents.


Directory Contents
/bin Essential programs and commands for use by all users
/boot Files used in booting the operating system
/dev Device folder, such as alarm, cdrom, cpu, cdrw, etc.
/etc System configuration files and global settings
/etc/sysconfig Files that control the system configuration
/etc/X11 Configuration files for X Window System
/lib Shared libraries
/home Home directories for users
/lost+found Recovering files which are not properly closed due to many reason such as power failure
/misc This directory is used for automatically mounting directories on removable devices and remote directories
/mnt The mount points for file systems mounted after the system is booted
/opt Optional application software packages
/proc Location of virtual file system
/root Home directory for root user
/sbin Essential system binaries
/tmp Temporary files
/usr/bin Commands and programs that are less central to basic Unix system functionality than those in /bin but still useful and often important
/usr/include Standard include file and header files for C programs
/usr/lib Libraries for installed packages
/usr/local Most files and data that were developed or customized on the system
/usr/share Shared data file
/var Changeable data, including system logs, temporary data from programs, and user main storage
Common Unix/Linux directories